
The JUMP project intends to build and test a platform based on a smart force platform that, with the support of tracking cameras, is able to provide information on sporting performance and not only to viewers, users and stakeholders through applications and communication systems based on effective, ergonomic and usable user interfaces.


The main objective of the JUMP project is the development of a sensational platform capable of gathering data on subjects in action during sports performance and educational and therapeutic activities, integrating and processing collected data and providing them with visualization applications to enable them to effective and ergonomic use. Specific pilot tests in the above-mentioned areas will be predisposed to assess the technology and effectiveness of the display for the benefit of users.


Data collected, integrated and processed by the platform in real-time will be returned using applications designed specifically for different types of users and contexts. In particular, sports applications for athletes and professional and non-team coaches, educational context applications, entertainment channel applications, and applications to support rehabilitation programs.

Action Plan

JUMP creates and promotes a network of laboratories and researchers for the development of technological and innovative solutions for collecting, analyzing and displaying data in effective, ergonomic and usable user interfaces in the sports, rehabilitation and educational environment. RE: Lab, project coordinator and laboratory specializing in Human-Machine Interaction will handle the implementation of applications and content for displaying information and overall project management. INTERMECH, an inter-laboratory for Advanced Mechanics of the High Tech Network, will put in place its leading expertise on the power platforms for the creation of sensorized pavement, while Softech-ICT, an accredited laboratory with a leading role in research in the ICT sector, will provide her with experience in artificial vision by providing multi-tracking cameras for disambiguation. Democenter Foundation, Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer of Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network, will handle the communication and dissemination part of the project and its results. Finally, two companies will be involved in the test demonstration phase: Waterproofing, the leader in sports flooring and Play +, the leader in furniture, childcare facilities and in general designing children's space design.


RE:Lab S.r.l.

RE: Lab, project coordinator, is a company specializing in the design and development of Human Machine Interface (HMI). The company has long experience in designing and evaluating intelligent user interfaces and interactive information display systems in areas such as telecommunications, media, automotive and transportation, play and educational technologies.
Reference person: Roberto Montanari

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InterMech – Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Applicata e i Servizi nel Settore della Meccanica Avanzata e della Motoristica

InterMech is the Interdepartmental Center for Applied Research and Services in the Advanced Mechanics Sector and the High Technology Networking Engineer that has been working with several European and US research centers for years, mainly in the field of technology transfer in the field of mechatronics and development of mechanical and hydraulic systems with high sensitization.
Reference person: Massimo Milani

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Softech-ICT – Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca industriale Softech: ICT per le Imprese

Softech-ICT is an Interdepartmental Research Center for ICT for Businesses of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The activities of the project will be conducted by the Operating Systems Multimedia Systems, which deals with computer vision, machine learning, media technologies, sensing systems and data analysis.
Reference person: Rita Cucchiara

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Fondazione Democenter-Sipe

The Democenter-Sipe Foundation is an accredited center for the innovation of the High Tech Network. Democenter-Sipe supports innovation pathways as facilitators and interfaces between research centers, public bodies and businesses, realizing transfer and dissemination activities and research results.
Reference person: Massimo Garuti

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PLAY + S.r.l.

Play + is a soft furnishings company that designs and creates, thanks to the constant support and involvement of international designers, teachers and pedagogues, eco-friendly products designed for children's living and working environments.
Reference person: Maurizio Fontanili

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Waterproofing S.r.l.

Waterproofing provides solutions in the field of sports and civilian flooring since 1982: for over 30 years it has been producing resins and has realized with its teams of engineered synthetic flooring in operation. Waterproofing solutions touch 15 sectors: from sports to industrial, civil and decorative systems.
Reference person: Luca Reguzzoni

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Project POR FESR 2014-2020, AXIS 1 Research and Innovation. 1.2.2 Action